Monday, April 28, 2008

Nature Boy.......
Caden loves being outdoors. He is a boy through and through. Friday we took him to Mac's lake and he played in the dirt for hours, threw rocks in the water, fed the geese, caught a few blue gill, and filled his bulldozers with rocks and dirt til the sun went down. Needless to say he slept very well when we got home. Now that the weather is nice it has been fun taking Caden to the park, the zoo, the lake, and just playing outside at papa's house. He has had such fun!!!!

Mommy gets a BIG kiss before playing in the dirt again...

Picking flowers for Mam-ma.....
Caden and Mam-ma....
A beautiful sunset.......

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Here are those pictures I promised. Caden has really enjoyed daddy taking him fishing. This time I took corn for bait. Caden thought that was pretty funny. He is doing a great job reeling the fish in. The only problem is when we are waiting for the fish to bite, he goes through daddy's tackle box and throws lures and bobbers in the water. He still has a lot to learn!! I still get pretty nervous when he get's close to the water. I keep picturing myself jumping in after him. Hopefully that never happens!
Daddy's BIG catch...20 pound Grass Carp!!Good job Daddy!!

Look at me! I should have my own fishing show!!
"Toddler Fishing 101"

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tonka.....A boy's best friend!!!

Caden loves bulldozers, excavators, dump trucks, tractors, and pretty much anything with wheels or a motor. When we are driving in the car he will spot a construction truck a mile away. He gets so excited to see a construction truck on a job site. When we drive past a construction zone on our way to daycare he yells "I see bulldozer!...Mommy, man build library?" At this age they don't forget anything. When the ground was dug for the new Lagrange library Nick and I told him what was being built and every morning and every afternoon Caden will remind us what is being built there. Maybe he will follow Papa's footsteps and build houses. Of course he loves garbage trucks too!!! Who knows!!!(:

Uncle Matt is sooo much fun!

Look at me and Papa!!!